Yes, they do!
Mom's often ask if caesarean babies get more colic. C-section babies don't get 'stretched' and 'squeezed' as they pass through the birth canal. As a result, they can be a little more 'curled up' and stiffer. Not all are like this but some are noticeably more stuck in this 'foetal ball' where the hips are curled up and they don't seem to want to straighten their legs.
As a result of being in this curled up and slightly stiff position, gas is more easily stuck in the digestive tract. Moms often report that they feel stiff and are hard to wind. They often present as niggly and fussy, arch themselves backward and kick out their legs.
What about premature babies?
Yes, preemies do seem to have a slightly greater likelihood of getting colic. We believe it is simply due to their smaller size and less developed digestive tract. They are often a little more 'curled up' and stiffer and are thus prone to have gas pockets develop in the intestinal tract. Being so small, they're not yet strong enough to 'push' them out.
What about traumatic births like forceps and ventouse deliveries?
Yes, babies born traumatically are far more likely to have neck tension or spasms. This will be noticed by the parent in the early weeks particularly at feeding times. The baby will have a marked preference for feeding on one side and will often not want to look either right or left.
In some cases, the entire body is curved to one side because of spinal tension or misalignment. We call these banana babies
So while not true gassy colic, we call these musculoskeletal colic. They respond best to stretching and massage type techniques which you can learn in our Masterclass. We've put together a unique series of stretches that relieve muscle tension, loosen the baby up and help gas to pass through. If you don't find relief with these, you might try a Chiropractor who treats a lot of babies.