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Common Problems
Is your baby discomfort due to stomach gas? Intestinal gas? Or could there be something else going on.

Does baby have colic?
colic tends to progress through three stages. Read to find if any of these sounds like your situation

What are the causes of colic?
It always helps to know what type of colic you are dealing with. if you aren't sure, start here.

Is colic causing my baby to go hungry?
Not getting enough milk is a fairly common problem for fussy and colicky babies. After all, if you were hungry, wouldn't you complain?

Can Breastfeeding Cause Colic?
Is your baby not getting enough to drink? Guzzling too much air? These 2 videos by a lactation consultant and a midwife might help

Overfeeding and colic
Feeding intervals, comfort feeding and when to introduce solids. these are all issues to consider

Does colic cause reflux?​
Dealing with reflux
Try these soothing techniques for colicky babies first

How to soothe a crying baby
Emergency measures!
When baby is screaming, here are a few ideas about how best to help your colicky baby

Holding your colic baby
This is one of the best ways to hold a fussy or colicky baby.

Can a pacifier (dummy) help colic ?
Pacifiers: do's and don'ts.
General baby care and knowledge base

Do caesarean babies get more colic?
Yes, they do! Mom's often ask if caesarean babies get more colic. C-section babies don't get 'stretched' and 'squeezed' as they pass...

The 20 biggest myths about colic told to unsuspecting new parents
A guide to help you to wade through the old wives tales on a variety of controversial subjects

Colicky babies need sleep
Getting good sleep is essential to break the colic cycle. What is best for colicky babies can be somewhat controversial.

Signs of teething
Seven signs of teething and natural pain relief.

Milestones for baby's first year
Understanding your baby's milestones month by month, for first year.

Colic = Gas and wind in a baby
Colic is gas and wind in baby

Early Brain Development of Babies
Smart foods and ideas on how to help to stimulate the audio visual parts of the brain.

Maximize your child's brain potential!
The latest from child psychologists about healthy brain development and how best to stimulate IQ

Baby massage techniques
Easy to understand and follow, any baby will love you for these massage techniques!
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